Since we have talked about starting an agency last week, you’d surely ask about lead generation as its the next step.

Lead generation isn’t a new concept. It’s been a part of our world since Stone Age. It could be traced back to cavemen asking their neighbors for advice on the best round wheels to purchase or what the best cave drawing medium is (this is an accurate retelling of human history). After generations, the caveman became a salesman, while the cave-to-cave became door-to-door.

Before diving into the article, we must know what a lead ac is, why it’s important for any business, along with how to classify someone as a lead, and how to label leads of all types. The generation of inbound leads is more successful than buying leads.

What exactly is a lead?

Leads are anyone who shows interest in a company’s product or service in any way, shape, or form.

There are several types of leads depending on how they are qualified and where they are in the sales process.

  • Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)

Those who show interest in your marketing efforts but aren’t ready for a sales call are referred to as marketing qualified leads.

  • Sales qualified leads (SQL)

Sales qualified leads are those who have expressed an interest in becoming a paying customer through specific activities.

  • Product Qualified Lead (PQL)

 Product qualified leads are people who use your product and take actions that indicate an interest in becoming a paying customer.

  • Service Qualified Lead

A service qualified lead is a contact or consumer who has shown an interest in becoming a paying customer for your service members.

Now that the concept of leads and their types are cleared, we must dive in for the tips that can help businesses or brands to use their social media platforms like websites and social media pages to their maximum level and generate a good number of leads.

  1. Accurate data

Use exact data to target the appropriate individuals at the right time – accurate data is the key to winning your customer’s heart.

2. Keep Track Of your leads

Use quantifiable and traceable methods to tempt your leads, whether it’s your website, social media, email, or direct marketing, to ensure that you can monitor return on investment and allocate money.

3. Prioritize quantity over quality

It is usually better to focus on quality rather than quantity to avoid wasting time on unqualified leads.

4. Create a prospect grading system

To construct a rolling pipeline, you can divide your activities into three categories: short-term, mid-term, and long-term.

You can also determine who qualifies as a prospect and what needs to be done to move that prospect from one level to the next using a set of criteria.

5. Keep an eye on the competition

Keep an eye on what your main competitors are doing and use that analysis for your business’s advantage.

6. Don’t be hesitant to strike up new contact with large buyers or discount prospects

Make a list of organizations with which you’d like to collaborate.

Also, if you don’t think the relationship will work out, don’t be scared to take a chance.

7. Use your website to collect data

Use forms to collect information from your leads; smart forms, in particular, can help you expand your database. Chat bots can also be used to collect emails.

8. Email Marketing – Nurture prospects with an automated system

Send offers that are relevant and valuable offers that must be unique and provide relevant information accordingly.

Include a clear call-to-action to make sure the prospect knows what you want them to do. Also, make sure to link a landing page where the prospect must provide their information.

To conclude, the above-shared tips can help you boost the lead generation process and ensure to result in potential leads. Change your business strategy and implement the above lead generation tips.

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