UX – Itinerary Builder

Project Name
Magellan Companion App


Magellan Travels, a national travel agency in Pakistan wanted fresh ideas for lead generation and make the customer journey easier for their prospective clients, specially after travelling resumed after COVID-19. The problem we are addressing is lack of clarity and cohesive query. Customers usually call to ask for estimates to their destinations but as a travel agency, magellan needs a few more essential questions answered to better estimate their travel needs.

Exploration & Ideation

What is a normal conversation like? What are a business’ day to day pain points and motivations?

We began interviewing contacts across various industries. From personal travellers to corporate clients, we were able to get across a wide spread of the potential market.

1. Lead Calls

We got the opportunity to sit on a few lead calls with the clients and noted the questions and answers that were frequent. This process helped shape the user experience for the Itinerary Builder and ensure smooth flow.

2. Competitors User Journey

We also researched about what other competitors were doing to analyze the market tactics regarding lead generation. All the competitors were using the same repeated questions from the customers and took 24 hours at the very least to provide an estimate.

3. Feedback from Magellan

We also sat with sales team from Magellan and noted their pain points along with suggested solutions to streamline the whole process.

Problems Statement & Challenges

  • Users not willing to give personal information
  • Users not trusting digital apps in Pakistan
  • Users want instant estimates for their trips
  • Users want to customize the trip plans and variables after getting estimate
  • Users want accurate estimates for their trips.


After analyzing all the issues and feedbacks from all stakeholders, we designed a beautiful and seamless user experience for the users to get their solutions instantly. This helped Magellan increase number of leads for their company and thus increasing sales ratio after deployment of this web app.

Step 1a — Asking the dates of the trip.

Step 1b — Option to keep the trip open-ended

Step 2a — Select the places customer wants to visit, with suggested options and group trips during the time.

Step 2b — Select a group trip package that’s already going during the selected dates.

Step 3— Select the purpose of travel so we can plan your trip accordingly.

Step 4— Select the number of people that would be on the trip.

Result — A detailed estimate, timeline and iteranary of the trip at customers’ fingertips to change and play around with.

Change hotels on the fly to check change on trip cost.

Change transport type to check effect on trip cost.